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Improving Cutting Skills

Improving Cutting Skills
Improving Cutting Skills
Some children who are still learning how to use scissors cannot seem to cut on the line no matter how hard they try. This problem can often be fixed in a fun way. Check to see "who is in driver's seat"; that is, check for correct finger placement. Correct finger placement involves the use of the thumbs and the middle finger, not the index finger. The middle finger has more strength and maintains better control.

If the opening in the handle is large enough, both the index and middle fingers can be inserted. However, the index finger is only "going along for the ride." The thumbs and the middle finger do all the work (driving).

If your child's fingers too large for the scissors, he / she may need to readjust the grip and eliminate the use of the index finger when cutting.

Be ready to do any cutting for your child as needed. A younger child especially may need supervision. Don;t let him / her get discourage if you need to take over. Continue to provide your child with oppurtunities to practice cutting.

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